Anger Games 6 Weekend 2 Recap: Day 4 Bracket Matches

Lazy Piglets vs New Eden Villain’s Valley


Lazy Piglets – Orthrus, Khizriel, Barghest, Zarmazd, Gila
New Eden Villain’s – Orthrus, Curse, Khizriel, Jackdaw, Gila

Comp Selection:

Lazy Piglets – Astarte, Astarte, Vigilant, Vigilant, Thalia, Thalia, Maller
New Eden Villain’s – Cyclone Fleet Issue, Cyclone Fleet Issue, Cyclone Fleet Issue, Loki, Bellicose, Griffin Navy Issue, Griffin Navy Issue


If you asked me just looking at the comps how this would play out, I probably would have given the edge to Tuskers being able to kite out the HAM rush and work through the low end before getting into the high end. But oh god the damage, and more importantly than that the range of the CyFI HAMs being more than enough to outrange the Vigilant webs was a key factor in the outcome of this match.
The Loki is the first primary but he smartly slowplays and the Tuskers get out of their own optimal range, meanwhile the Bellicose hard dives and gets primaried but almost looks like it was a bait play as he manages to turn around and get out in maybe 2% structure. All this time the Cyclone Fleets are faster than the Astartes and don’t get cleanly screened so they end up at 0 on Mira and absolutely delete him before moving onto the Maller. In all this time the Cyclone Fleets are so heavily buffer fit and the one Cyclone that had been getting primaried stays out of optimal DPS range once his shields get low to force Tuskers into shooting a healthy target that they can’t break.

Lazy Piglets 19 : 150 New Eden Villain’s Valley

Bright Side of Death vs Only Need THREE Comps


BSOD – Scimitar, Paladin, Orthrus, Curse
ON3C – Hyena, Orthrus, Gila, Loki

Comp Selection:

BSOD – Prophecy Navy Issue, Prophecy Navy Issue, Augoror, Vigilant, Vexor Navy Issue, Celestis, Magus
ON3C – Cyclone Fleet Issue, Cyclone Fleet Issue, Cyclone Fleet Issue, Rapier, Scalpel, Bellicose, Firetail


There is a lot of positional playing going on in this match with the HML CFIs against the damps and guns of the BSOD team. One of the Cyclone Fleets starts taking significant damage, but the lack of fast tackle for BSOD means it gets to burn hard away and reduce incoming damage significantly while also pulling the gunboats way out of position from their Augoror and getting their logistics killed. The Celestis falls next followed by the Vigilant shortly after reenabling the range for the ON3C comp and letting them power through the VNI. The Rapier webs keep the PNIs at long range while the two remaining Fleet Cyclones throw light damage at them, eventually both teams trade one battlecruiser each. ON3C finishes off the remaining Magus and the CFI of Ciaphas escapes the PNI in deep structure and gets an ASB reload sealing the match in overtime.

Bright Side of Death 92 : 117 Only Need THREE Comps

Spooky Action at a distance vs Hidden Ship Village


Spooky Action – Orthrus, Gila, Scimitar, Loki
Hidden Ship Village – Huginn, Scimitar, Rapier, Sleipnir

Comp Selection:

Spooky Action – Alligator, Alligator, Lachesis, Osprey, Jackdaw, Jackdaw, Jackdaw
Hidden Ship Village – Alligator, Alligator, Osprey, Caracal Navy Issue, Caracal Navy Issue, Caracal Navy Issue, Jackdaw


Hidden Ship Village brings a HAM rush into this patchup and may have gotten a very unlucky semi-mirror into an Alligator kite comp with local MJD Gators completely dodging the HAM capabilities of the opponents through heavy utilization of MJUs and MJDs. Both Ospreys trade at nearly identical times which puts the kite comp in the drive seat though drone travel time will become a challenge. The Jackdaws can help provide drone bunny support while the Lachesis makes sure theyre winning the damp and ewar match from range and that nothing can contest their two free roaming Gators. This becomes a bit of a game of cat and mouse and HSV is never able to catch out the gators on any of the beacons to allow them to get damage in. Truly some spooky distance action in this match.

Spooky Action at a distance 134 : 34 Hidden Ship Village

Paid Actors vs Exodunks


Paid Actors – Scimitar, Paladin, Orthrus, Loki, Curse
Exodunks – Khizriel, Scimitar, Gila, Orthrus, Loki

Comp Selection:

Paid Actors – Tempest, Cyclone Fleet Issue, Cyclone Fleet Issue, Osprey, Rupture, Rupture, Rupture
Exodunks – Sleipnir, Sleipnir, Broadsword, Broadsword, Broadsword, Burst, Burst


This was a hilarious match to watch and probably a great example of never bringing minrush right at 0 on the beacon. There are always bigger and heavier rush comps out there and if you land on grid next to a comp with more damage and tank than yours with decent tackle, you will get pinned down and deleted quickly. Which is exactly what happens in this match.

Paid Actors 150 : 24 Exodunks

No Spaceships for Old Men vs appelsiinikilju


No Spaceships – Cynabal, Orthrus, Jackdaw
appelsiin – Scimitar, Curse, Sentinel

Comp Selection:

No Spaceships – Redeemer, Guardian, Pilgrim, Draugur, Pontifex, Confessor, Omen
appelsiin – Alligator, Alligator, Gila, Gila, Gila, Hyena, Crow


At the start of this match I thought the appelsiin team had the edge given the control comp out of No Spaceships lacked the damage to really make a dent, but then I realized there was no logi on the appel team which still came in at range and needed to have delayed damage on. The heavy tanked core proved to be too much for 5 sets of medium drones and none of the ships outside of the Confessor were ever really pressured.

No Spaceships for Old Men 150 : 9 appelsiinikilju

No Vacancies vs Rusty Hyenas


NoVac – Maulus, Gila, Keres
Rusty Hyenas – Arazu, Orthrus, Lachesis

Comp Selection:

NoVac – Hyperion, Hyperion, Vexor Navy Issue, Sentinel, Deacon, Deacon, Pontifex
Rusty Hyenas – Armageddon Navy Issue, Typhoon, Typhoon, Magus, Malediction, Navitas, Navitas


This match was a showing as to why tech 1 Typhoons are not the optimal ship for any kingslayer comps as they lack a missile damage bonus, dramatically limiting the amount of damage they can put out before requiring a reload. Even with what appears to be a full tracking disruption Sentinel, the three battleships still cant burst a VNI under deacon reps, while the two Hyperions have no issues killing the Typhoon. The match ends on time with the two Hyperions just slowly burning around grid trying to catch and kill targets and the Armani slowly bleeding structure.

No Vacancies 53 : 0 Rusty Hyenas

disaste vs burned my prop sry


disaste – Gila, Armageddon, Curse, Paladin
burned my prop – Scimitar, Sleipnir, Orthrus, Curse

Comp Selection:

disaste – Absolution, Absolution, Vigilant, Vigilant, Vigilant, Deacon, Inquisitor
burned my prop – Armageddon Navy Issue, Armageddon Navy Issue, Deacon, Deacon, Pontifex, Maller, Bellicose


This match was truly a disaste as soon as Chad MJUed right into the main core of burned my prop without the rest of his team having any follow up and still being delayed aligning on the beacon. The lack of coordination showed and proved to be fatal as the team got strung out and were unable to apply proper damage to any of their targets.

disaste 0 : 150 burned my prop sry

Templis CALSF vs Odin’s Call


Templis – Orthrus, Gila, Armageddon
Odin’s – Vargur, Paladin, Curse

Comp Selection:

Templis – Zarmazd, Dominix, Stratios, Arbitrator, Arbitrator, Magus, Pontifex
Odin’s – Nighthawk, Scimitar, Cyclone, Rapier, Jackdaw, Jackdaw, Jackdaw


Templis brought back their drone Zarm control comp and ran into a heavy missile kite with no way to catch or kill any of the specific targets on the Odin’s side without feeding a command destroyer. They do manage to catch the Nighthawk but with the low damage out of the drones against Scimitar reps and the speed of the remaining Odin’s team easily letting them into the backline to kill the Zarmazd, the match swung quickly into Odin’s favor. They do finally kill the Scimitar, but by then they had lost all their links and the Stratios and Dominix had both fallen to the damage out of the Cyclone, Rapier, and three Jackdaws.

Templis CALSF 71 : 150 Odin’s Call

Lazy Piglets vs Bright Side of Death (Elimination)


Lazy Piglets – Jackdaw, Orthrus, Gila, Barghest
BSOD – Huginn, Orthrus, Rapier, Curse

Comp Selection:

Lazy Piglets – Widow, Zarmazd, Vexor Navy Issue, Vexor Navy Issue, Pontifex, Vexor, Heretic
BSOD – Prophecy Navy Issue, Prophecy Navy Issue, Augoror, Vigilant, Vexor Navy Issue, Celestis, Magus


BSOd in this matchup has one wincon and its to get to the backline widow and kill it, They need to push off and counter screen any hard tackle as they make their way to it. Otherwise the Widow lock range is too high and the Celstis will likely never be able to win the ewar fight. Instead, they back off, get strung out and lose their Augoror quickly before hard committing onto the widow while damping out the Zarmazd. And Mira falls nearly instantly having only taken an Augoror and Vigilant with him. However there still is a Zarmazd that stays safe and bait tanks some of the BSOD comp and the BSOD ships are all still pinned so can never get into optimal to apply their damage as well as the Tuskers ships leading to a victory for Lazy Piglets even though Scorch Selest almost threw by getting out to damp range.

Lazy Piglets 102 : 51 Bright Side of Death

Hidden Ship Village vs Exodunks (Elimination)


HSV – Scimitar, Sleipnir, Broadsword
Exodunks – Orthrus, Cyclone Fleet Issue, Loki

Comp Selection:

HSV – Armageddon Navy Issue, Armageddon Navy Issue, Ashimmu, Celestis, Magus, Inquisitor, Inquisitor
Exodunks, Alligator, Alligator, Gila, Gila, Gila, Jackdaw, Maulus


With complementary bans from both teams nearly eliminating most rush sources Exodunks opted for a Florida man kite variation with no logi while HSV opted to go back to their dual BS+Ashimmu setup with Inquisitors. From the start HSV was just too slow to get damage out onto the Exodunks kite and their low end was picked apart quickly by the drones. They did finally track down Vytone’s Alligator and finish him off but by then the match was well over.

Hidden Ship Village 35 : 150 Exodunks

appelsiinikilju vs Rusty Hyenas (Elimination)


appel – Scimitar, Gila, Curse
Rusty Hyenas – Deacon, Orthrus, Loko

Comp Selection:

appel – Paladin, Paladin, Thalia, Thalia, Pontifex, Confessor, Confessor
Rusty Hyenas – Armageddon Navy Issue, Typhoon, Typhoon, Magus, Malediction, Navitas, Navitas


As much as I dislike this Rusty Hyena’s kingslayer comp, if the other team lacks the tackle core to hold down the Typhoons to kill them, then they can quickly get out of range of the opposing comps and burn through the lowend support as they did in this match. I was quite shocked but again another insight into why the Deacon is much stronger in specific circumstances than the Thalia. The Thalias fall and the rest of the appel team goes with it.

appelsiinikilju 0 : 103 Rusty Hyenas

disaste vs Templis CALSF (Elimination)


disaste – Pontifex, Scimitar, Gila, Curse
Templis CALSF – Widow, Orthrus, Gila, Armageddon

Comp Selection:

disaste – Nighthawk, Claymore, Loki, Caracal Navy Issue, Caracal Navy Issue, Burst, Burst
Templis CALSF – Leshak, Oneiros, Ashimmu, Magus, Magus, Maller, Maller


This match was very close and the Maller counter screen of the Loki may be what won it for them, or potentially some misrepping from the burst of Mochi leading to the early death of the first Caracal Navy. I must wonder whether the damage types were properly allocated too as the Leshak gets so close to breaking but as the reactive spools it gains the ability to tank through the damage and it looks like the full damage begins to fall off before the ships even start dropping for disaste. Potentially a few fitting changes or minor piloting changes and this match quickly goes disastes way, instead the Leshak survives and Templis moves on.

disaste 1 : 113 Templis CALSF

New Eden Villain’s Valley vs Only Need THREE Comps


NEVV – Khizriel, Orthrus, Jackdaw, Curse
ON3C – Orthrus, Hyena, Oneiros, Loki

Comp Selection:

NEVV – Vindicator, Guardian, Blackbird, Keres, Pontifex, Pontifex, Confessor
ON3C – Bhaalgorn, Augoror, Vedmak, Ashimmu, Augoror Navy Issue, Pontifex, Retribution


The Guardian of NEVV gets collapsed on by the support of ON3C however in doing so, the Bhaalgorn gets caught way out of position by the Confessor and the support alone is unable to break through the Guardian with the rep bots and jams. The damps from the Keres render the Auguror relatively useless and the Ashimmu drops, followed by the Pontifex and Vedmak. The match ends with ON3C unable to break through anything on the NEVV side having lost their support.

New Eden Villain’s Valley 57 : 1 Only Need THREE Comps

Spooky Action at a distance vs Paid Actors


Spooky Action – Orthrus, Gila, Alligator, Cyclone Fleet Issue
Paid Actors – Scimitar, Jackdaw, Orthrus, Curse

Comp Selection:

Spooky Action – Damnation, Oneiros, Saacrilege, Falcon, Sentinel, Confessor, Eris
Paid Actors – Eos, Ishtar, Ishtar, Ishtar, Deacon, Deacon, Cruor


Spooky Action brought out something completely new for this matchup with their heavy armor missile setup while Paid Actors also brought out a newer drone comp with the Gila and Gator bans. Regretfully for a drone comp, the damage output is very low, and every ship on Spooky had a ton of repair bots or tank with tech 2 resists. The match came down to a grinding battle with split damage from the low end of Spooky finally getting through the Deacon on Paid actors while the Cruor managed to slow the Oneiros enough to let the heavy drones catch and kill it. As the low end comes off the grid, the Damnation and Sacrilege come out ahead of the Eos and Ishtar given the Falcon had survived throughout.

Spooky Action at a distance 76 : 49 Paid Actors

No Spaceships for Old Men vs No Vacancies


No Spaceships – Cynabal, Orthrus, Jackdaw
NoVac – Maulus, Gila, Keres

Comp Selection:

No Spaceships – Nighthawk, Claymore, Osprey, Osprey Navy Issue, Osprey Navy Issue, Osprey Navy Issue, Raptor
NoVac – Widow, Zarmazd, Vigilant, Pontifex, Pontifex, Nergal, Nergal


You can have all the tank and control in the world but if you can’t tackle your opponents its going to be a struggle. The HAM rush quickly recognized a direct burn into the enemies wouldn’t work, so they burned back to a beacon and we had a relative stalemate as NoVac held the one free point lead. No Spaceships needed to find a time to dive and the widow eventually got slightly out of position leading to the whole No Spaceships team hard committing onto it. With the pure HAM dps from 5 ships they burned it quickly even through reps as the Zarm had not been prespooling on the Widow while waiting and was unable to catch in time. The remainder of the match was a quick cascade.

No Spaceships for Old Men 150 : 1 No Vacancies

burned my prop sry vs Odin’s Call


burned my prop – Scimitar, Orthrus, Curse
Odin’s Call – Vargur, Paladin, Curse, Khizriel

Comp Selection:

burned my prop – Scorpion, Cyclone Fleet Issue, Osprey, Caracal Navy Issue, Caracal Navy Issue, Caracal Navy Issue, Raptor
Odin’s Call – Alligator, Alligator, Gila, Gila, Scalpel, Scalpel, Hyena


A HAM rush with a local MJD or no prop scorpion runs into a kitey Florida man comp. The jams from the scopion hold well on the low end and prevent the screening or logistics from working as burned my prop manages to get damage out and through a Gila initially, but the Hyena and drones turn on the Osprey of burned my prop as the second Gila falls. While they manage to break the Osprey, they’ve lost both Gilas and have no logistics or control and are still facing the damage of three HAM ships and the tackle of the Raptor. The no prop Scorpion somehow managed to pull far more weight than anyone would have expected in this match and the wildcard comp pushes Odin’s into the lower bracket.

burned my prop sry 150 : 23 Odin’s Call

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